
Chapter 221

Yet now he had all these new pieces of information, making him unable to decide what to do next . Seeing that Specter was taking some time to digest the new information, Phil sipped some of his tea, but after a few sips he suddenly remembered something important .

"Oh, I forgot to say, there was actually something even more shocking than what I just told you . " The moment Specter heard that Phil had even more outrageous news than what he already heard made him feel like his head was spinning . He then raised his right hand stopping Phil from speaking .

"Wait! Wait a minute! Please, just give me a while to get bearings back . " Specter tried to calm his breathing down, as he rubbed his temples . Once he was done doing that he looked at Phil and said, "Okay, I’m ready . "

"When we noticed that Oliver’s old memories were coming back in a more rapid manner than we expected, we decided to monitor his situation . We haven’t done this before, because we wanted him to have a somehow normal school life . Of course circumstances changed so we decided to do what we did . Anyway, while we were watching him we found out about his extraordinary friends . Of course we already heard about them from his stories, and we even met his girlfriend already since she came here to greet us . Still his other friends were nothing but names to us, but when we saw their faces we were surprised to see one of them . Seeing that face of his, we were sure that he has some relation to the Shadow Mercenaries . Sorry I was wrong to say that . He doesn’t just have some relation we are sure that he is someone really important to the organization . "

"You keep on calling him in such an ambiguous terms, and not saying his name . Are you doing that on purpose?" Specter said getting a bit irritated on how Phil was talking . Did he like teasing Specter like this . He could never tell since Phil always smiles .

"No it’s not that . Actually we don’t really know what his name is . Like I said, all we know about Oliver’s friends, were their names but not how they look . So we can’t really match the name to the face . Still that doesn’t really matter here, all that matters is the person in the picture . Here I’ll show you a picture of that person and you’ll understand as well . "

Phil took out his phone and showed a picture to Specter . The moment Specter saw the picture of Oliver with his friends, one of them caught his attention . The moment he saw that face Specter felt that the person in the picture looked very familiar . He then looked a bit closer and finally figured out who that person looked like . Specter’s mouth was agape as he sat there stunned

"It can’t be . . . How is he in that picture? He even looks so young . " Specter couldn’t believe his eyes, since the person in the picture was indeed someone very important to the Shadow Mercenaries . He wasn’t just a simple VIP he was VVIP .

"I know right, he looks exactly like him, when he was young . He looks exactly like the dozens of pictures in the Shadow Mercenaries HQ . He must be related to that family right? Actually it’s impossible that he isn’t . I’m a really sure that he is an actual living descendant of that man . "

Specter knew that man Phil was talking about . It was none other than the person hidden behind the curtain that supports the Shadow Mercenaries . Hektor might be the leader on the outside but the true leader was the man hidden behind the curtain . To be more specific it was the family of that man that is the true masters of the Shadow Mercenaries .

It is said that the Shadow Mercenaries were the reason for the creation of the Mercenary system, but in truth it was that family who was the real reason for the Mercenary system .

"What do we do with this information? This guy could change everything . " Specter was now even more shaken up than before . If his head was spinning before, because of Oliver’s family ties, this new information practically blew his head off .

. . .

While Specter was panicking on what to do next, Alex was watching some news in Matthew’s phone . It was after class and Matthew pulled Alex away and headed to the rooftop, where he showed a video feed from the Southern Union .

In the video there was a beautiful woman announcing something . This woman was none other than Saintess Anita .

"To my beloved countrymen, I have found love and he is Berdonian! I know this might sound sudden to all of you, but I have loved this man for years now, and yesterday he proposed to me . I know that this might sound selfish of me, but to my beloved countrymen please support me and my love! The Government has informed me that I couldn’t marry this man who I love so dearly . The reason being he was Berdonian and I’m from the Southern Union . Not only that the Government told me the citizens would never approve . If you my beloved countrymen do not approve of this union between me and my love, then I would not take his hand in marriage even though I love him sooo much . To me, you my beloved countrymen are as important as him . So I truly hope from the bottom of my heart you my beloved countrymen would support my marriage with him . He may be Berdonian but he is the one man I truly love . "

The Saintess who was speaking was smiling while crying . The impact of that beautiful face of hers smiling like that as if in pain as well as crying made her look divine .

"This was on the news a few hours ago . After this video was broadcasted all throughout the Southern Union, people started protesting to the nearby Government offices . The people are all demanding for the Saintess to be able to marry . "

"I don’t understand why you’re telling me this . " Alex even though he still had a stoic look, Matthew could somehow discern that he was confused .

"Didn’t you know, Sir Lyner is the man the Saintess is talking about . "

"Huh?!" Hearing this news, the people hiding behind the door screamed as well . Both Matthew and Alex already knew of their existence behind the door, but didn’t bother to shoo them away since they were somehow part of this as a well .

"Sir Lyner is getting married!?" All of the members of the Mercenary club as well as Evangeline shouted in unison .

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