
Chapter 362

"So what do you say, Matthew?" Carlo’s voice was filled with killing intent, Matthew could practically feel the bloodlust of the other party penetrating his skin .

Matthew once again looked around him and sighed . He already wasted a lot of bullets when he was trying to kill Viktor and Sora, and even if he did have all his bullets ready, he wasn’t even sure if he could take one of these guys down .

Among the mercenaries he has met these people have the best repertoire in terms of cooperation . This meant since the beginning he had no choice . Matthew raised his arms and once again sighed .

"Fine, I’ll listen to your orders . " Hearing Matthew’s response Carlo didn’t put down his gun as he spoke to the famed Holy son .

"When I say you will listen to my orders, I mean that for the duration of this mission I will be your superior officer . If you fail to listen and do as you are ordered, I will take that as insubordination and I will kill you on the spot . If you understand this, I will allow to follow us . So knowing all this will you still join us?"

"Yeah, even hearing all that I wish to join you . Should I fail to live up to your expectations then, I guess it would be alright for you to kill me, I will allow it . " Matthew who was frowning moments ago was now smiling at Carlo . Finally hearing the answer he wanted to hear, Carlo and the others hid their weapons . Even though Matthew answered quite arrogantly, Carlo allowed it . He knew that Matthew was already bringing down his pride to the limit of what he can, to give Carlo that answer .

"Very well, you can come with us . I hope you don’t make any mistakes . This mission to save my son and his friends is an extremely important mission . We will begin an hour from now, so you better prepare . We have our supplies over there, take whatever you need . "

Carlo pointed at a nearby tent . After picking up Leo, Matthew headed towards the supply tent to replace some of his equipment . Once he was done, as he was heading out Dan blocked his path .

"Hey kid, I know Carlo already warned you, but let me remind you . I won’t allow any mistakes here . My precious little girl is in there as well if anything happens to her because of your irritating pride, then aside from the enemies in there, I’m going to crush you as well . "

After saying his piece Dan was about to leave, but then Matthew said something .

"You guys keep on saying I’m the one going to make a mistake as if all of you are better than me . In my eyes, aside from Alex all of you from this squad are all old hands that overestimate themselves . What if you’re the one who makes a mistake will you kill yourself?"

Even though Matthew agreed to follow orders, hearing, again and again, such things, like him making a mistake as if he was child that doesn’t know better had poked his pride .

When Dan heard what Matthew said his fighting spirit, as well as his bloodlust, rose . He looked at Matthew with a weird look of disdain and anger .

"Heh, Just because you and Alex are called the geniuses of this generation, doesn’t mean you guys are the strongest . I was already battle worthy when you were still wearing diapers . I was already a merc when you were still trying to learn how to walk . A single finger of mine has more experience than every fiber of your being . So if someone is going to make a mistake among us, it’s going to be you brat . If you don’t believe me then how about a little spar, so I can show you how truly weak you are . "

Matthew then took out his gun and was about to shoot, but then he saw Dan was already near him . Matthew instantly went into his pseudo RELEASE form and tried to retreat, but Dan was able to stick close to him . Matthew then took out a knife and decided to fight Dan in close quarters .

Dan seeing Matthew’s decision to fight in a melee made him smile . Even though this kid was full of pride, he was also gutsy which Dan liked . When he got near enough Dan was about to punch Matthew in the gut, while Matthew was trying to block Dan’s fist using his knife . Yet before the two of them could hit the other somebody interrupted them .

"ENOUGH!" Carlo suddenly shouted which forced both Dan and Matthew to take some distance from each other .

"He’s the one who started this . " Matthew pointed at Dan .

"Carlo this brat, needs to be taught a lesson in respect . I decided to-" Dan wasn’t even able to finish what he wanted to say before Carlo once again interrupted him .

"I don’t want to hear your excuses! I don’t need you guys getting injured and wasting bullets before the mission . If you really want to kill each other, wait until the mission is over, but right now both of your lives are mine to command . The only time you fight is when I tell you to fight . The only time you die is when I tell you to die . Do both of you understand?"

Hearing Carlo’s commanding tone, made the prideful Matthew, and even the reckless Dan stand at attention before answering .

"Sir, yes, sir!" The two even saluted, Carlo then responded with a nod of his head .

"As long as you guys understand . The mission will begin in ten minutes . So instead of fighting, how about you guys get ready . "

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