
Chapter 363

Based on the former Shadow’s death, he too was able to get this far, the problem was finding the real Emperor . With the information the past Shadow gave, it meant that the Emperor had numerous doubles inside this palace of his .

Shadow currently looked like a thirty-five-year-old man, black hair waxed backward with a goatee . His face wasn’t ugly nor was it something one would call handsome, it was a normal face that wouldn’t garner a second look from others .

"Harold, what are you doing here?" While Shadow was looking snooping around the second floor, someone called for him . Shadow who was now called Harold for the duration of the mission looked behind him and saw a relatively older man with regal feeling to him .

"Head butler, I was just double-" Shadow wasn’t able to finish what he was about to say when the head butler interrupted him with a glare .

"I do not wish to hear your excuses, Harold . It is already ten a . m that means you and the others in your team should be cleaning the fourth floor right about now . " The head butler took out his pocket watch and double-checked the time before looking back at Shadow and sighing .

"It has been a week since you arrived here Harold, I had hoped that by now you would be used to the workflow . " The head butler was now looking at Shadow with a bit of disappointment in his eyes . Shadow then bowed his head and responded, "I’m sorry head butler, I just wanted to double-check on the work we did on the second floor . I was about to head back with the others after I saw that everything was alright . "

Hearing Shadow’s explanation the head butler looked at him for a bit before speaking . "There is no need to do that, there are others assigned for such a job . All you need to do is follow your group and do your job properly . . . Well, what’s done is done, this conversation is over . Head back to your group now . "

"Thank you Head butler . " After saying that Shadow passed by the head butler and headed towards the stairs . Seeing the fading back of Shadow, the head butler couldn’t help but sigh again .

’I wonder why that guy would recommend this kind of person for this job . He even recommended him so aggressively . He’s pretty good but he’s not up to the standard for the palace . If he doesn’t improve after one more week, I’ll just fire him . ’

. . .

While the head butler was thinking about what to do with the new employee, Shadow went to the fourth floor as promised . For the whole day, Shadow did his job a bit better, but not too much that it would gain suspicions . After the day was over and each one of them headed back to their rooms, Shadow who had already found the hidden camera in his room changed the footage into one of him sleeping . Once he was sure that he was free to move, he Shadow took out what he stole this morning .

It was the master key that he stole from the head butler . The reason he was on the second floor was because he knew the head butler would be there, and as he expected the moment the head butler noticed him, they had a pretty lengthy conversation, giving him enough time to spot where the master key was hidden . Shadow then passed by the head butler and took the master keys without him noticing . He was sure that the head butler wouldn’t dare say he lost them, which would put him in an awkward position . He would try to solve the problem without informing anyone, which will make things easier for Shadow .

Now that Shadow had the master key, he had access to most of the rooms in the palace . He started searching around, but as expected he couldn’t find anything on the first night .

Shadow then improved his work as a butler, so that he wouldn’t be kicked out, but he didn’t improve too much that the head butler would grow suspicious of him . So while during the night Shadow would scour the whole palace for any clues as to where the real Emperor was hiding .

Shadow kept on doing this for two days until he finally found three rooms that the master key couldn’t open . The only people who had access to these rooms where the Emperor and the scientists that were part of some project . Gaining this new information, Shadow decided to quit as a butler . The head butler who was aware of his improvements was confused about this decision, but since Shadow wasn’t that particularly skilled he wasn’t really affected that much and allowed him to leave .

. . .

Once Shadow was out and about he took some time to fake his death, or to be more specific the death of Harold the butler . He made the death look like the work of a terrorist group that wanted to gain information about the palace . He took the body of an enemy soldier, that had the same height and physique as Shadow, and killed him, he even changed how the soldier looked .

It was a perfect crime scene which made everyone think that an enemy spy killing the butler . When he was done with that the next thing Shadow did was to stalk one of the scientists that enter the palace . He waited for the perfect opportunity to kidnap said scientist, it didn’t really take that long for him to get that opportunity since one scientist likes going out on Fridays to play with some girls .

Being a Mutsu trained assassin Shadow was able to change his look into a pretty girl, and was successfully able to seduce said scientist into a quiet room . When the two were alone, it was relatively easy for Shadow to capture the scientist and live his room looking like said scientist .

’Now I can learn the secret of the Emperor . Then he will finally understand why Shadows never die . ’

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